Blog posts

What is Financial Planning?

The term “financial planning” is a common one that is often written about in the financial press. Many financial advisors list financial planning among the services that they offer to clients. We believe this is a critical part of the services that we provide our clients.  But what is financial planning? We think its important […]

Why Your Financial Advisor Should Prepare Your Income Taxes

Taxes, investments and financial planning are more intertwined than ever. Decisions about investments and financial planning increasingly include weighing the tax implications. Add in the multitude of potential changes in the tax legislation proposed by Congress and the need for an expert financial and tax advisor who understands your entire financial situation is more critical […]

What to Know About 401(k) and IRA Rollovers

Rolling over a 401(k) account when you leave an employer can be a smart move with these important retirement assets. IRA accounts are also an important tool in your retirement savings efforts. From time to time it might make sense to roll an IRA account from one custodian to a new one.  Let’s look at […]

How to Adjust Your Financial Plan When You Receive an Inheritance

We are in the midst of the greatest intergenerational transfer of wealth in history. Financial services research firm Cerulli Associates estimates that nearly 45 million U.S. households will transfer over $68 trillion in wealth over the next 25 years. If you are the recipient of an inheritance, how should you adjust your financial plan? Our […]

Steps to Take in the Years Leading Up to Retirement: Pre-Retirement Tips

We read a lot about the importance of saving and investing for our retirement throughout our working careers. This is critical and we encourage our clients to save as much as possible and advise them on how to invest for retirement.  What doesn’t always receive as much emphasis is the importance of pre-retirement planning, specifically […]

Should I Take a Lump-Sum Distribution or an Annuity?

If you recently received a letter offering you a lump sum distribution or an annuity from a former pension plan, you may be trying to weigh your best options. Your former employer can inform you of the choices available to you, but they are not able to offer guidance about what choice will be best […]

3 Ways to Coordinate Your Investments and Income Tax Planning

Most investors can get so caught up in the extensive research and due diligence to find the best investments that they forget about one crucial factor- income taxes. Many times, there are great investors who will hit home runs on a stock or fund, but when it comes to income taxes they have no clue […]